Community Supported Pastries

// This is SO exciting!! //
One of my main life goals is to increase the number of pastries in your life! Not because I simply want to drum up business for myself, but because I believe it greatly contributes to a person’s quality of life. Pastries help me come up with reasons to celebrate events and people that I wouldn’t normally celebrate. They help me apologize for small things – yes a little something sweet can go a very long way! And I can make someone’s day just a little better by dropping off a slice of cake or a cookie on their porch, desk, etc.  And it’s so easy to thank someone for everything they’ve done for you by sharing a brownie.
My friend Steve brought over slices of dairy-free strawberry cake a couple of weeks ago and it totally made my heart melt. To have someone take time out of their busy life to package up a sweet for me and bring it over is amazing. It felt so unusual and special! This wasn’t just any cake, though – his wife and 2-year-old daughter made it. And it was all strawberry. And it was pink. AND DAIRY-FREE.
In the hopes of spreading the love like my friends did for me, and to get sweets in the hands of more people, I’m starting a Community Supported Pastry (CSP) program!! If that term seems really bonkers to you, it’s based on the idea of Community Supported Agriculture, or CSA. Community members buy into a farm and receive a share of farm goods on a weekly basis. Because I have yet to figure out the logistics of a pastry farm (working on this), Community Shared Pastries will work a little differently than the traditional CSA program.
If you are new to Goldenrod Pastries and wonder what in the hell I even bake, poke around the site a bit, and be sure to visit my Instagram and Facebook pages. I post much more frequently about what I’m making to social media, so take a peek around!
Here are the details for the Goldenrod Pastries CSP Program:
August is the first month of the program. For now, I am accepting one person per week. Dates are based on a first come, first serve basis.
Please send an e-mail to to place your order!

  • Your order will get you a pastry to serve at least six people one time per month on a predetermined date.
    • Want the perk of choosing? You pay $48/month.
    • Open to some flexibility? I’ll choose the date and you pay $40/month.
  • You can register for two months at a time – they do not need to be consecutive months, but the months must be selected upon registration.
  • Got allergies? Please specify all allergies upon registration.
  • All allergy notifications will be taken into account, but otherwise I choose the pastry! You can be sure this will be seasonal in the ingredients and technique – and will include locally produced products whenever possible.
  • Payment is accepted as cash or check, and must be received one week before you are scheduled to receive your pastry.
  • For now, this is only being offered to people in the Lincoln and Omaha area.
  • Pick-up will be at my home in South Lincoln. Want your pastry delivered to Omaha? Add a $15 delivery charge.

I am so incredibly excited to offer this to you! I cannot wait for you to receive pastries and share them with your friends (or sit in your bed and treat yourself)!